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Rooppur power plant to receive equipment for radiation monitoring soon

Twenty three units of automated radiation monitoring systems (ARMS) shipped from Russia for Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant are expected to be delivered to the project site shortly, Rosatom, the general designer and contractor of the power plant, said in a statement.
The state atomic energy corporation of Russia said the shipped cargo includes 23 units of ARMS for the plant — 15 for unit-1 and eight for unit 2.
ARMS is designed to collect, process, record, and display data on the radiation state parameters of the controlled objects.
Nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel cycle enterprises, RAW storage and processing facilities, and scientific and research centers are equipped with these systems, according to the statement.
These were developed specifically for Rooppur plant to meet the specific project requirements, it said, adding that the Specialized Scientific Research Institute for Instrumentation Engineering (SNIIP), a sister concern of Rosatom, has manufactured the equipment.
Moreover, approximately 300 units of individual dosimetry equipment and a batch of filter holders will be shipped by the end of this year, it added.
“We are very happy to have the systems, which are to play a key role in the preparation for the startup,” said Alexander Kartsev, CEO of SNIIP.
“The ARMS is going to be delivered as a single package to the Rooppur NPP site. It will be used for the first time for the Rooppur project. The dosimeters and other individual dosimetry mean for the NPP personnel will be shipped to Bangladesh by the end of this year, but the main hardware will be already at hand at the project site by that time,” he said.
Earlier, SNIIP shipped the equipment for continuous radiation monitoring of rooms, detection units, and devices for process radiation monitoring to Rooppur NPP.
In addition, the software and hardware complex of a unique individual dosimetric monitoring system is already delivered to the site.
The system collects data from dosimeters used by the NPP personnel during inspections and other activities.
